Regional monitoring, decision support and incident management platform

About project

The platform aims to support the Governor during the preparation and decision-making process by providing information and expert analysis. It also aims to enhance collaboration and improve efficiency among state executive bodies and municipal authorities.


Recently, the Platform has more than 300 active users from all 30 departments of regional authorities of the Krai and 44 municipal authority units.
The data collection, storage, analytics and management subsystem are configured to collect data on more than 600 reporting forms. As of January 2022, more than 1.0 m. data records have been collected.

The Platform’s sub-systems are the following:

  • a subsystem of geoinformation software tools;
  • a subsystem of analytical information processing;
  • modelling subsystem;
  • expert subsystem;
  • a subsystem of data collection, storage, and management;
  • a subsystem of information representation;
  • a subsystem for supporting the current activities of the head of the administration (Governor) of the Krasnodar Krai;
  • reference data management sub-system;
  • Buisness intelligence (BI) based on customised Open sourse software.
The system operates in 2 environments:
  • Proprietary — designed to dial with proprietary information;
  • Open - the contour with an Internet connection. Sensitive data is not processed within it;
The system has centralized user management mechanisms and allows users to log in using the Unified National Authorization and Authentication System (ESIA).
The system is integrated with 6 regional and federal information systems for user identification, data exchange on the budget process, data exchange on licensing of professional and commercial activities, monitoring of procurement and execution of government contracts, media monitoring, as well as a unified national system of interdepartmental electronic interaction.
Analytics block is based on customised Apache's superset BI due to customer requirements and the OpenSource base.


Department of Informatization and Communications of the Krasnodar Krai

Spellsystems Role

  1. Delivering the following subsystems:
    • expert subsystem;
    • a subsystem of data collection, storage, and management;
    • a subsystem of information representation (regarding the implementation of the media module)
    • reference data management sub-system
    • BI based on Apache superset
  2. Integrate delivered subsystems with external data sources;
  3. Delivering API for the external data providers;
  4. Development of a set of documentation for the developed subsystems;
  5. Conducted more than 4 training events for the customer's employees for each of the subsystems.


darts image
To create an integrated cross-domain analytic, incident-management, and decision-support workspace for 30 regional state departments and 44 municipalities.


  1. System design started: December 2018

  2. Development started: November 2020;

  3. MVP presented: December 2020;

  4. Integration and adjustment of workflow and surveys: January-August 2021;

  5. Testing and QA: August-December 2021;

  6. Putting to the live operational mode (official release): December 2021.


Basic technologies
FFmpeg, Java
Storing and working with data
Web Interface
JavaScript (jQuery), MaterialUI


  • 8 Java developers
  • 4 Front-end developers
  • 1 PHP developer
  • 2 DBA engineers
  • 2 DevOps engineers
  • 2 Analysts

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