Case studies

The Technology Metals Market is a unique platform that allows direct investment in technology metals and other high-tech materials, such as graphene and graphite.

These materials are crucial to industries such as electric vehicles, aerospace, semiconductors, and other advanced technologies and are in high demand, leading to global recognition of their critical importance.

U3O8 is the first token that is physically backed by uranium. It’s the world’s first attempt at democratizing global access to the uranium market with stablecoin backed by uranium or NFT assets that provide uranium-based products in metauniverse or with collaboration with other crypto assets.
Sportsbetting Dark Pool is an exchange platform for bookmakers, including betting shops, syndicates or hedge funds with cryptocurrency payments. The exchange algorithm works P2P, which assumes no single central counterparty on which all bets are kept. All bets are absolutely secure and anonymous, and even the company staff does not know who is betting on the game.